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  prices and features

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Talk more, pay less
With Virgin Mobile, you get great rates – all the time! Calls are just 25¢ per minute for the first five minutes each day, and 15¢ per minute for the rest of the day! And your balance lasts for 120 days. So go ahead, talk cheap. And a little dirty, if you want to.


Hey Big Talkers!
Prices get even better with a $25 “Monthly Pass”. Calls are just 20¢ per minute for the first five minutes each day, and 10¢ per minute for the rest of the day! Plus, we’ll automatically top up your phone with your $25 each month for you! So put your feet up and chat – just remember that your $25 Monthly Pass Balance expires every month if you don’t use it.

Think Monthly Pass could suit your style?
Call us at 1.888.999.2321 and have a credit card ready to register for Monthly Pass!

  • 20¢ per minute for your first 5 minutes
  • 10¢ per minute for the rest of the day!

How do you choose between Virgin Mobile prepaid and Monthly Pass?

Well, it depends on how you plan on using your mobile. Have a look at Chase and Brooke - two Virgin Mobile customers who love their phones equally, but use them differently. Check their profiles to see who uses their phone more like you!


Going downtown with friends, a good burger (no relish), the Monday-night jam with his band, his new snowboard, late-night TV, one of his college Profs.

Likes to use his phone:
Most every day. Chase likes to call all the important people in his life all the time – his girlfriend, his boyz, his two brothers and his often-AWOL guitar player. Chase is a busy guy who texts a ton to stay in touch

Why Monthly Pass, Chase?
“I use my phone a lot, so scoring lower per-minute rates with a Monthly Pass just made sense for me.”

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Shopping off the beaten path, lattes & studying with the girls, writing in her diary, this cute guy in her math class, her small but growing DVD collection, a sprinkle of granola in her yogurt.

Likes to use her phone:
As she needs to. Brooke likes to keep in touch with her friends, her sister and her parents, but doesn't necessarily talk with all of them every day, plus she really has to stick to her budget.

Why Virgin prepaid, Brooke?
“Well, I only make calls or text message when I really need to. I’m a student and school’s pretty expensive, so I gotta be smart with my spending.”

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