The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment The Power of Now discussion

The Power of Now!

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message 1: by Nancy (new)

Nancy Pflug Everyone should read this book!! Especially all of you who are so caught up in the corporate America philosophies about getting ahead and always striving to be the are your best right now!

message 2: by Mr. (new)

Mr. Know A down and out friend gave me this book to read...she probably thought I was a looser, like her.

I found nothing in his frigging book that my grandmother did not already told me about.

Plus this Tolle is a arrogant dude...the way he talks..."are you listening to me?"

Plus I saw clips on u-tuble....Tolle has a chip on his shoulder.

This dude is a total fraud.

Tolle---- go back to your bench in the park!

message 3: by Marsha (new) - added it

Marsha I find the title interesting 'The Power of Now!'...hmmm...sounds a lot like the Navajo Philosophy of k'ad (now)...I might take a peek, but I'm afraid I won't find anythng enlightening...or interesting...but then maybe I will...

message 4: by Joe (last edited Aug 13, 2011 05:37PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Joe McPlumber I found nothing in his frigging book that my grandmother did not already told me about.

Then, Mr. Tolle is at least as wise as your grandmother, yes?

Someone gives you a book, you think that she thinks you're a "looser", did you consider it may have been she just wanted you to be happy? Cause you don't sound very happy. Nor does it seem you learned much peace from what your grandmother told you.

JanetLavern LMAO! perhaps your grandmother is trying to reach you from her! I seriously loved this book along with the secret and the bible! These books are a refreshing reminder of what is most important in life.....keeping our minds clear and free of stresses so we can be more open to seeing even more!

message 6: by Vinyessa (new) - added it

Vinyessa I found this book so hard to read. I could not get past Tolle's presumptuous narrations, or his use of language. I would like to, because I think it might have some great ideas in it, but I just cant get past the way this guy writes.

Melanie Vinyessa wrote: "I found this book so hard to read. I could not get past Tolle's presumptuous narrations, or his use of language. I would like to, because I think it might have some great ideas in it, but I just ca..."

My best friend made the same comment. I think you should give it another try...You might get past the way he writes the second time around.

C.D. Sweitzer Keep in mind that Tolle is German, and the stilted/proper diction of translated works or second languages can be misinterpreted as presumptuous or arrogant. Tolle is neither. He is simply presenting ageless truths in a fresh way, in the context of modern life. If you find a strong negative emotional reaction being provoked, it is almost certainly the ego-consciousness defending itself against the message. All of us are better than our egos.

message 9: by Con (new) - rated it 4 stars

Con Wow, I must be blind. I think this guy has a lot to offer.

Jilly I think the book is hard to read from front to back. It was easy for me because at the time a friend of mine passed me this book, I was in a bit of a crisis. The book made total sence to be and taught me about the "ego". Since then I have bought his other books in which I also enjoy.

When I passed the book onto a friend of mine, I let them know ahead of time that you have to read it with an open mind. Otherwize the book makes absolutly no sence.

Anyways, on a good note it got me to seek other books like it, and well it also help me find this site!

message 11: by Vinyessa (new) - added it

Vinyessa Me wrote: "Vinyessa wrote: "I found this book so hard to read. I could not get past Tolle's presumptuous narrations, or his use of language. I would like to, because I think it might have some great ideas in ..."

I will give it a try eventually. I think I have to be in the right frame of mind...I tend to be very critical.

message 12: by Vinyessa (new) - added it

Vinyessa Jill wrote: "I think the book is hard to read from front to back. It was easy for me because at the time a friend of mine passed me this book, I was in a bit of a crisis. The book made total sence to be and tau..."

You are totally right. If you dont read it with an open mind, its a waste of time. You just have to go into it just accepting what he says for what it is, and take from it what you need.

Leslie I thought it was lovely and encouraging. I do wonder why some people are so emotional about it though.

message 14: by Dave (new)

Dave Dutton It's not a book to read all in one go. It's a book to refer to when you feel you need to and best to take it in small bites.
His Practicing the Power of Now is more accessible.
Sure he's repackaged eastern philosophy but he's made it more accessible to people who otherwise wouldn't know where to start.

message 15: by Mick (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mick I learned one good thing from this book -- when waiting in lines (which I used to dislike), just enjoy life. It has removed a lot of stress form my days. The book was passed to me by a close friend who -- like myself -- is not a person of faith. That's actually the only reason I read the whole thing. I've bought it for others.

Jacqueline Howett It has some useful tips! Example: How to catch and stop your mind with random thoughts entering. Yeah, it doesn't always work, for we are not always in the aware state! And yet, your'e aware of it in the 'now' state.

Amazing as it is, its a difficult book for the brain to comprehend the first time around. This is a book that needs to sink in with time. I also think it's a growth book, therefore it's disturbing as it is so spot on the truth. I found it easier after several reads, and I'd say, give it another read years later. You can't explain this kind of book to anyone really. It's a private journey concerning your soul. I suggest alternative reading while understanding this book like RUIZ, or Dr Dyer, something simple and more positive and light, just so you don't get depressed as your mind takes it all in. Its a keeper, and my copy has pen marks underlying, and dozens of book marks. It will stay by my bedside, just in case I need a verse or two once in a while. Be warned, it can bring on headaches as your mind expands, and so I'm not sure about all that!

message 17: by Loy (new) - rated it 1 star

Loy Machedo Mr. wrote: "A down and out friend gave me this book to read...she probably thought I was a looser, like her.

I found nothing in his frigging book that my grandmother did not already told me about.

Plus this ..."

Well said buddy. The book was a waste of time. I gave it off for free after reading a few chapters. What utter psycho-babble BS.

Dianne Gina Lake has a series of books which remind me a great deal of Tolle's writings and the language is much easier to understand. It amazes me how much energy we waste spending time in a future which is yet to happen or a past which can't be changed. This is a very freeing philosophy and allows us all to ask the questions "Am I OK in this instant ? Because this instant is all we have right now"

Richard read a few pages after it was given to my wife by her hippy step mother, it was toss.

a colleague is reading it at the moment, he is a bitterly unhappy man so i guess he's desperate.

personally, i've got 2 gorgeous kids and a great partner so though my job sucks i have little to no room for books like this

i'd say read Musashi instead, changed my mindset

Madhavi One of the best self-help books.

message 21: by Lily (last edited Jul 29, 2012 08:11PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Lily Sandyboy wrote: "...i'd say read Musashi instead, changed my mindset ..."

Tried to follow this suggestion to at least find out to whom or what "Musashi" referred. Please clarify, Sandyboy?

(I find: Musashi is a Japanese novel written by Eiji Yoshikawa; also, Miyamoto Musashi, author of Book of Five Rings: The Classic Guide to Strategy and arguably the most renowned Japanese swordsman who ever lived, as well as Musashi: The Way of the Samurai , also by Yoshikawa.)

(It has been some time since I read Tolle. I can identify with the wide range of reactions here, although I see little need to be particularly passionate about his worthiness one way or another. He has things to appropriate and use, whether they are new to one's experience or one has encountered them before as mother's pap. Other parts -- well, to read widely and well is necessarily to discriminate and cull, wisely or not so wisely.)

Richard Lily wrote: "Sandyboy wrote: "...i'd say read Musashi instead, changed my mindset ..."

Tried to follow this suggestion to at least find out to whom or what "Musashi" referred. Please clarify, Sandyboy?

(I fin..."

Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa, it's not a self help book as such but Musashi as a character / histrorical figure is wonderful and at various points in reading his story i found my mindset changing and still take cues from Musashi with regards to difficulties in life. wonderful book

message 23: by Lily (new) - rated it 2 stars

Lily Sandyboy wrote: "...Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa..."


Sandra Bernsen The Power of Now was the most valuable book I have ever read. I have purchased and gifted many copies and have yet to have a recipient not find it a resource for self improvement. I also found the book difficult to read. I struggled through the first 50 pages before I got into his rhythm. I will always have a copy of this book at hand. 'This moment is the only moment that exists' and 'Is this my problem?' are the two phrases that are ever-present in my mind now. Simple, but so empowering!

Suzann I guess it's not for everyone, like any book. It is indeed a personal journey.

For myself, I've read it many times and keep it handy always. I've also paired it in my personal library with "A Course in Miracles" - for me, they compliment each other and help clarify each other.

All I can say is, I'm grateful for this book.

message 26: by Mark (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mark Read it a few times now, I needed this book, valuable indeed.

Henry Chavarria This book is amazing for people who are just beginning their awaking or are awake. its good in every level.. i read it like twice and listen to it a lot, there's a free audio book in youtube, just type the power of now with long" or "full" after it...

Kristi Newcomb I hated this book! It was the most boring thing I've ever read. To me, he repeated the same stuff over and over again, just rephrasing it.
God! I wanted to gouge out my eyes!

Kristi Newcomb I totally agree!

message 30: by K.C. (new) - rated it 5 stars

K.C. Hawke "These books are a refreshing reminder of what is most important in life.....keeping our minds clear and free of stresses so we can be more open to seeing even more! "
I loved this book. If not for the now, I would have given up a long time ago. But the reminders in this book help me deal with everyday stresses, knowing they are short lived and that the "now" sometimes does encapsulate happiness.

Kristi Newcomb It was so redundant! I don't know how it could possibly help anyone with real stress like I have. Maybe if someone is a zombie and at the end of their rope it would make sense. I have heard the same things in many a bible class and business seminar. I stand by my comment; I hated it!

message 32: by K.C. (new) - rated it 5 stars

K.C. Hawke I would highly recommend A New Earth to you, I found it to be so much more helpful. I liked The Power of Now, but A New Earth took it to a new level for me, I often find myself re-reading the book whenever I get caught up in the stresses of life, it helps to calm me down and put me in a better frame of mind.

Suzann Yes, I love New Earth and refer to it often. It helped explain many things that were troubling me.

Jane(Pixie) New Earth and Power of Now are both so helpful to me. These have been a big help through my most personal challenges. Being in the now has proved a good place in my life. I get it, I know people who can't get it. I started by watching Oprah web cast of The New Earth, combining both reading and discussion. This is for people who understand the inner search. This has made me a happier person. posting from Guam

Kristi Newcomb Well I'm happy for ya all. Now let's just let it go! I've moved on and I am tired of this conversation.
Peace out! <3

Patricia Bennett Yes, The Power of Now and A New Earth make a lot of sense to me. His story reminded me of a similar experience I had in my life. It was like a spiritual awakening after much confusion. His ability to explain it has affirmed the truth to me and made me more certain of my beliefs ...

message 37: by Jack (last edited Jun 03, 2013 06:13AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jack Hansen The book is a mindful so listening to it while driving is difficult to absorb everything the lesson has to offer. For those who think the author is a joke and the subject offers nothing you do not know, already, well then, you are at peace in your life; although, the need to call the author a "friggin" anything does not suggest you really are. The author points out that the only reality is, Now, everything that ever happened and will happen happens in the Now. The future is where angst lives and the past, remorse. Now, therefore is a Constant, a place where awareness of oneself at peace in the moment may exist. Now is also eternal. It is, always was, and always will be Now. It is a Truth. I equate all three with God, constants; therefore, as pointed out by Tolle, the closer we are to Now, the closer we are to reality and the Creator of all. Tolle also points out that man invented time.

message 38: by Barbara (last edited Jun 11, 2013 05:54PM) (new)

Barbara Jean This is one of the most powerful books I have ever read. It is about being fully in this moment only, and sustaining the presence of Being only here , in all you do. It is more than something one learns, but something that one becomes and practices over a lifetime. Barbara Jean Luxford from Maple Grove, MN.

message 39: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Jean Barbara wrote: "This is one of the most powerful books I have ever read. It is about being fully in this moment only, and sustaining the presence of Being only here , in all you do. It is more than something one..."

message 40: by Jack (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jack Hansen Barbara wrote: "Barbara wrote: "This is one of the most powerful books I have ever read. It is about being fully in this moment only, and sustaining the presence of Being only here , in all you do. It is more th..."

I agree, Barbara.

Suzann Me too. At this point I have dog-eared the pages and highlighted passages - and every morning I turn to a page at random and see what it says.

message 42: by Eric (new) - rated it 5 stars

Eric This is not so much a book as a a finger pointing to the moon. It sounds so easy to live in the present but harder to do in reality! But this is the bottom line; its something to do/be, not just read about.

message 43: by Rena (new) - rated it 5 stars

Rena There are some books that require a fairly high level of literacy, and knowledge of related subjects, before they can be understood. It is usually not the book, (though some are not well-researched, or written), that's the problem, but the person reading it. Those books that are occasionally bad, they are bad to just about everyone!The Power of Now, is not one of those books.

Kristi Newcomb Mr. wrote: "A down and out friend gave me this book to read...she probably thought I was a looser, like her.

I found nothing in his frigging book that my grandmother did not already told me about.

Plus this ..."

OMG! Thank you! Someone else with a brain! I hate that book! You are absolutely right on the money.

message 45: by Mike (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mike Broughton No book will ever appeal to everybody. This book on its own will not change anyone's life. But for those people who have already arrived at a point where they realise something is not working, it can be inspirational. And yes, the advice is not's ancient wisdom re-packaged for today. My advice? : put your suspicions to one side for a while and just read it. You have nothing to lose and potentially a lot to gain.

Catherine Sutter I think this book makes a valuable contribution to spirituality, BUT as I said when I reviewed it, if you have a child with cancer, you've got a big problem, a lot of pain, and staying in the Now won't change that. If you've got a lot of angst, this is helpful. If you're in physical pain...not so much.

Pamela Hamilton I absolutely love this book although it is deep it expresses lives messages. Then again I am a great believer of the Law of Attraction and this all goes hand in hand with the same philosophy. Even so I must admit trying to be in the moment constantly is difficult. However, if you can get by all of your doubts it has so much more to offer.

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