classified advertisement

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classified advertisement

An advertisement, usually brief and composed only of text, listed in a newspaper or magazine or on a website.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.classified advertisement - a short ad in a newspaper or magazine (usually in small print) and appearing along with other ads of the same typeclassified advertisement - a short ad in a newspaper or magazine (usually in small print) and appearing along with other ads of the same type
newspaper ad, newspaper advertisement - a printed advertisement that is published in a newspaper
want ad - a newspaper advertisement stating what is wanted
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Jennifer said Landmark formed rather unconventionally through a classified advertisement she placed on Craigslist in 2015.
"Finally, several google searches with his name led me to a classified advertisement with his name and number on July 11 night," Vadukut said.
The patent describes "A secure, computerized locker bank that is adapted to facilitate the payment for, and physical exchange of an item between entities who have brokered the sale of the item via a marketplace, such as an on-line marketplace (e.g., an on-line auction site, an on-line classified advertisement site, or an online retail marketplace), or a traditional marketplace (e.g., traditional paper classified advertisements).
OLX is a global classified advertisement website based in Argentina.
" The name of Allah naturally written on the left belly of this goat," says a classified advertisement put up by Heera Khan from Bhagalpur who wants to sell his majestic goat.
Highlighting the popularity of the website, Touqan also said that a super-luxury Bugatti car was sold by another user by giving a classified advertisement in the popular website.
Angus, who now writes for CBC-TV News in Toronto, told how back in 1944 he answered a classified advertisement in the Echo which read "Wanted: Office boy, 32s 6d week.
Amore responded to a classified advertisement for a studio on October 5.
Sexual encounters can be arranged through generic, all-purpose classified advertisement sites, on sites devoted to only heterosexual encounters, only same sex encounters, or to very specialized and specific populations/activities, such as transgendered individuals, specific race/ethnicities, persons with HIV disease, obese individuals or any number of other specialized populations.
Its objective is to simplify the classified advertisement booking process for newspapers across India.
Don't delay, send in your Classified Advertisement today!

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